Friday, December 31, 2010

Trial and Error

Thomas Edison once said that, if he found 10,000 ways that don't work, he hasn't failed.  Well, this prompts me to wonder if the man invented Prozac and just didn't tell anyone.  But it also emphasizes the need to keep trying.

I feel this way about cooking.  The reason they call it Trial and Error is, you have to be prepared to make some mistakes.  The problem is, many people give up at "error".  You have to keep the trials going, because although it might be trial, error, trial, error, trial, error…  Eventually you will experience success.

I speak from the heart when I say this.  Lord knows, I have had my fair share and then some of errors in the kitchen.  I hope that old Edison suffered fewer injuries in his quest than I have in mine.  But I always keep trying. 

Which makes me want to illustrate my point with some interesting, and possible entertaining, real-life quotes from my very own kitchen:

"I'm having a hard time deciding if it looks more like barf, or baby diarrhea…".

"Honey, can you come help me put my finger back together?".

"It's the alarm company.  What's the code for fire again?".

"If you don't bring me more eggs, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cry.".

"Interesting.  I've never had crunchy oatmeal before.".

"There isn't any of YOU in that salsa, is there?".

"Look, honey, it can be a loaf of bread OR a lethal weapon!".

"Well, technically, it used to be an eggplant."

"You can take over cutting up the veggies once I've cut myself.".

"Dinner will be ready about 30 minutes after the smoke alarm goes off.".

"Well, it was mostly just an experiment.".

"I thought this was supposed to be non-stick.".

"I never realized you could burn water.  Until now.".

"Even the garbage disposal won't eat this!".

I guess my main point is, you have to keep trying.  After all, you've gotta eat!  And if I can keep going after the loaves that didn't rise, the smoke that stings my eyes, and the little lost bits and pieces of my fingers sacrificed to the Kitchen Gods…  Well, you can't help but have more successes and less errors!

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