Friday, December 17, 2010

The Catsmas Tree

This is a Catsmas Tree.  You may be wondering what makes this tree different from a Christmas Tree.  Well, that's what I'm about to tell you...

Notice that this tree has no ornaments below waist level.  This is basically to prevent me from another morning like this morning, where I woke up to the sound of breaking glass, only to come down the stairs and see two shattered ornaments whose pieces had been strewn across the living room carpet, and one cat and one dog walking indiscriminately through the shards.  Which then lead me to simultaneously scream, start picking up broken glass, shoo away a cat and dog, all while lunging for the vacuum cleaner.

You will also notice our lovely tree skirt that, despite my best efforts to force it to lay flat, is in fact bunched up and pushed to one side of the tree.  This of course facilitates not only my constant watering of the tree, but the constant drinking of the tree water by said cat and dog, who now both seem to be wearing a crown of pine sap on the tops of their heads.

Unlike your standard Christmas Tree, the Catsmas Tree generally does not stay up until January 2nd, 3rd, or perhaps Valentine's Day (when of course it is the equivalent of a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree, having lost all it's needles), but will in fact be hauled down and placed curbside promptly on December 26th.  At which time I will be making groomer appointments for both pine-sap-crowned animals.

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