You know, I had heard that people go through Writer's Block, and I wondered when it would set in for me. I've been going at this writing business pretty strong now for about four months, and have well over 100 posts now. But I seem to be suffering a partial block here, just on the blog.
So, I thought I'd write about THAT.
I'm usually so interested in current events. But in the past week, I haven't found anything in the news that really sparked my interest. I could comment on Egypt again, or the other protests in the Middle East -- but I just feel like it's too soon to really know what is going to come of it all. I haven't found one article that really made me laugh, or really made me angry.
Maybe I'm getting jaded. But you would think that if that were going to happen, it darn well could have happened to me in any of the OTHER 42 years of my existence! Or maybe it's just a new symptom of this winter stir-craziness that always grips me in February. I can honestly say, I've never tried before to write daily during the month of February.
Seeing as we have such an International readership, I should explain the idea of the winter stir-craziness. I know people the World over suffer from it, but the name doesn't necessarily describe the feeling that well. It's that feeling you get when you've been cooped up in the house all winter, and you start to go a little bonkers. You get restless and easily bored, but you can't seem to alleviate the boredom. It's still to early in the year to get outside and vent some of those frustrations, and too early for Spring cleaning. And you feel like, if you watch one more movie, your head will explode. All accompanied by fatigue and a longing for sandy beaches!
Anyway, I am still writing daily. Just not online.
If you have been here recently, you will notice I've been bitten by the children's book bug. I have written two this month, and have ideas for another. And I have made some progress on the Geometry Mnemonics book as well, outlined a NEW novel, and done some minor editing on the memoirs. It's not like I've been unproductive!
Even so, I do appreciate my readers. And I would like to continue to be entertaining and/or informative! So please, if you have something you would like to see discussed here on the blog, post me a comment, send me a message on FaceBook, pop me an email, whatever you can do to let me know what you want to see!
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