Friday, May 27, 2011

Effin' Liberal Swedes!

OK, so, before we got married (and even after) my husband seemed convinced that one day, I would tire of him and leave him. Don't take it the wrong way, but there is still a part of his brain that, while hoping he's wrong, thinks that our marriage might not be "forever". I, on the other hand, have always known that's not the case. And now research backs me up!

The Journal of Politics conducted a study of 5,000 married couples, and found that the similarity of their political views was the #1 thing that predicts a marriage's success. The #2 factor was the similarity in how often they attend Church. On both counts, I would have a VERY hard time finding anyone else who matched me so completely.

In fact, I am completely and totally what would be considered "socially liberal". I would say that because of this, I am FOR gay rights and gay marriage. I am FOR the legalization of marijuana. I am (legally speaking) FOR anything that anyone else could conceive of as morally wrong, as long as it doesn't harm others.

Why? Because IT IS NOT MY PLACE TO JUDGE! I get really upset when one person or another, of any political stripe, tries to take the "moral high ground" on any issue. It is simply not the place of one human being to judge another -- at least not unless they are an immediate threat to their fellow human beings.

To say that GOD says this or that is right, so YOU can't do it... Is pride in the worst form ever. GOD will judge those false moralizers as surely as he will the worst of sinners.

I also love to think of myself as what my friend Sandy calls "rabidly Constitutionalist". I am FOR the separation of Church and State, as was the intent of the Forefathers. There is not supposed to be a government body here in the US that imposes some sense of morality on the general public.

There should be nothing, and I mean NOTHING, in between us and a free-market economy.

Even though I abhor handguns, and think they should be limited... The Constitution says we have the right to bear arms... And Dad Gummit, until that Constitution is changed, that is our RIGHT. Even if I choose not to exercise that right, or don't even agree with it -- it's in the Constitution so it is THE LAW.

I believe that the Founders meant for all people to be equal, and for the law to be dynamic and change with the times. Surely SOME of our Founding Fathers envisioned that one day, people of color would be free, could own land and vote. Most did not envision this for women, but they did see that times would change, and that laws must change with them.

And I really think they would be AGHAST at the idea that people would bring prayer into our schools or government offices.

Similarly, we now know that all HUMANS, all people, regardless of race, creed, age, religion, sex, family status, health status, place of birth, sexual orientation, favorite color, number of toes, are all HUMANS. We are all PEOPLE. And unless you can categorize some entity as a "non-person", then the MUST have the same rights as anyone else, under the Law.

I believe that if I had to pick one thing that makes our Nation truly great, it would HAVE to be that we all have the right to say (and think) what we want. I could rant all day that we have to abolish nematodes, and I might be 100% wrong. But as long as I harm no one in my assertions, I can think and say as I please. And so can YOU!

As I have said before and will repeat until my final days... I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to my mild discomfort, your right to say it. ALL intelligent ideas can withstand debate. So say what you really think, and support it intelligently!

Now the funny thing is (which will be a later post), I was discussing with my husband that I can see a true, Free-Market rationale that would suggest where a woman, with the same experience and education as a man, might earn less for the same work. WHAT??!!?!?!?!?!!? You say? Well, like I said that is a later post.

But be advised, I am RABIDLY Constitutionalist and RABIDLY Free-Market. And I want everyone to weigh in later with comments!

I will close by saying that, this weekend, think about how every member of our Military, past -- present -- and future -- have been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect you, your children, and the rights of both you and your children. And also to bring something close to these rights, to peoples of other lands. While we might disagree with this political maneuver or that one, this politician or the other... We can't forget that we ALL benefit from the sacrifice of our Troops.

Why, some of us ask, should it be the job of the United States to carry the lion's share of the burden, for making the World a freer place? I say, read the Constitution. It's what this Nation was born to do. And the people who make that vision a reality, are the man and women of our Armed Forces!

1 comment:

  1. Did I just go from "why my marriage will work" to "I love our Troops"??? I sure did!
