You know, there is only so far one can fall into the depths of despair and not feel a little silly. Many people who know me very well, would say I've had a bit of a rough year. So many personal mishaps and dramas on so many levels. Friends have said I am strong, I will get through this tough time. People close to me say I am reacting naturally to a series of terrible situations.
Then again, I have had the great good fortune to be born into a country that is amongst the strongest, richest, and freest in the World. I can't say I haven't gone a full day hungry. I could well argue that there have been times when I didn't know how or even if I would be able to buy groceries next week, or keep the electricity on next month. These things have happened.
But I have NEVER been without a place to go, to have a meal or a shower or even nice, cool air conditioning, when things got rough.
I have never known the fear of wondering if I would wake up the next morning, because my living situation was so precarious that I could be killed at any time -- by a criminal, a terrorist, or some government agent unhappy with something I have done or said.
I was born with all my limbs intact and functional. They remain so to this day.
In fact, I was able to receive a first-rate education. I was even lucky enough to have a family that impressed upon me the importance and significance of this.
I have no known terminal diseases. And I even have access to healthcare, should I ever need it.
I have been vaccinated. I am regularly nourished. I am safe. I am sane. Well, mostly. And I have friends and family who are similarly blessed, and do not take it for granted.
The fact that I have a job and a car, I need to remind myself, are the icing on the very lovely albeit delicate confection that is the charmed life I have thus far lead.
The fact that I am free is a blessing bestowed upon me at great cost to many.
When you get right down to it, I have no reason to feel dejected, disheartened, or depressed at any time. If one lives in a safe and free World, has their health and family... Then any other problem we could be faced with, is somewhat artificial.
Not to say that we don't all feel the pain of loss at times. Not to say that it isn't very real, to lose someone close to you. But how many times have we, in the Free and Industrialized World, honestly have had to come to grips with a loss that was unjust and untimely? Can we not imagine the people living under this threat daily? Can we not see all we DO have?
I rebuke myself. It is, in fact, a wonderful life.